Did you recently have your vehicle serviced or repaired at GARY'S QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE on 3703 WEST OLD POTASH HIGHWAY in GRAND ISLAND, NE ?
1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the repair facility/experience?
If this question did not apply to your visit please choose the "NA" option.
2 a. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding convenience of obtaining service?
2 b. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding courtesy/helpfulness of service personnel?
2 c. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding clear explanation of charges and work performed?
2 d. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding your vehicle ready when promised?
2 e. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding the quality of work performed?
2 f. How satisfied were you with the repair facility regarding the cleanliness of facility?
3. Do you have any suggestions on how GARY'S QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE can improve its service to you?
Please type NA if you do not wish to share your thoughts.
We may post customer survey comments publicly on the web for informational purposes. Would you allow us to post your verbatim comments?
No purchase is required to participate in this survey. Void where prohibited by law. Open to legal residents of the United States who are eighteen (18) years of age or older.